The Muscle Building Expert: They’re Lying To You About Workout Hours! Dr Michael Israetel
Dr Michael Israetel is a renowned sports science and nutrition expert, he is also the co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, a company that offers science-backed fitness advice. He is the author of books such as, ‘Scientific Principles of Hypertrophy Training’.
00:00 Intro
02:27 What Is Michael’s Mission?
03:28 Biggest Myths And Rebuttals Why People Can’t Get Into Shape
08:00 Why Does It Matter To Be In Good Shape?
11:37 What Is Your Background?
13:31 Where Do People Start With Their Body Journey?
17:46 Work Outs At Home With 20lb Dumbbells
19:31 Gym Anxiety
22:23 The Science To Muscle Growth
27:19 How Many Sets And How Often Will Grow Muscle?
29:32 What’s Going On In Our Muscles To Make Them Grow?
33:31 How Long Will It Take For Me To Lose Muscle?
38:28 Warming Up For Workouts
43:32 Common Gym Mistakes People Make
45:44 Best Foods To Grow Muscle
47:40 Is Intermittent Fasting Good For Muscle Gain?
48:48 Pre Wor