Гектор Берлиоз - Троянцы / Hector Berlioz - Les Troyens (Antonio Pappano, David McVicar) [2013]
Гектор Берлиоз - Троянцы / Hector Berlioz - Les Troyens
Год выпуска: 2013
Лейбл: Opus Arte
Жанр: Opera
Продолжительность: 04:14:07
Язык: Французский
Режиссер: David McVicar / Дэвид МакВикар
Дирижер: Antonio Pappano / Антонио Паппано
Сценография: Es Devlin
Костюмы: Moritz Junge
Свет: Wolfgang Göbbel
Хореография: Andrew George
Исполнители: Bryan Hymel (Énée), Eva-Maria Westbroek (Didon), Anna Caterina Antonacci (Cassandre), Fabio Capitanucci (Chorebe), Hanna Hipp (Anna), Brindley Sherratt (Narbal), Ashley Holland (Panthée), Pamela Helen Stephen (Hécube), Ed Lyon (Hylas), Ji-min Park (Iopas), Ji Hyun Kim (Hélénus), Robert Lloyd (Priam), Jenna Sloan (Polyxéne), Barbara Senator (Ascagne), Sophia McGregor (Andromaque), Lucas Jaconi (Captain), Adrian Clarke, Jeremy White (Soldiers), Royal Opera Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Описание: Запись спектакля театра Ковент-Гарден 5 июля 2012 г. Масштабная постановка эпической оперы Гектора Берлиоза по мотивам “Энеиды“ Вергилия.
•Les Troyens is a tour de force that ranges from fiery military marches to intense choruses, passionate soliloquies and the lyrical love duets of Dido and Aeneas. For Hector Berlioz, librettist and composer, the opera became the work of decades and the passion of a lifetime, the culmination of his literary love affair with Virgil’s Aeneid and with two tragic heroines, Cassandra and Dido. David McVicar’s staging is on an enormous scale, assembling one of the largest casts ever seen at Covent Garden. The sweeping theme of the rise and fall of empires runs throughout Les Troyens, along with moving meditations on love and honour.
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