The Duke Of York (1932)

Lancashire mills and mines play host to the Duke of York (later King George VI). Full title reads: “The Duke of York - spends crowded 3 days visiting every phase of Lancashire’s great industries.“ Lancashire. Prince Albert, Duke of York (later King George VI) walking along cotton loom in factory. He is accompanied by another man. The Duke is being shown various parts of the process. Women are at work on some of the machines. Exterior the Duke and party walk past a small crowd of women waiting to see him. Young women are held back by policemen as they wave. Pan down from top of colliery winding gear to show mine building. The Duke inspects small trucks of coal being moved on a conveyor belt system. Different angle shows the coal on the move. The Duke looks on with interest. Women, many with faces dirty with coal dust, wave. Sound Track Missing Was at one stage in 32/18 moved to correct place in 32/19. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ
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