Alice Asylum Inspired Soundtrack - “The Cost of Forgetting“ (Memory Mines)
In Alice Asylum, Alice will travel down The Memory Mines, a manifestation of her own unconscious mind. This will be the twisted version of Dr. Angus Bumby’s Orphanage and this tune came to me. I hope you enjoy it!
“The Cost of forgetting is high“ .- Angus Bumby
As for some personal stuff, i truly resonated with the idea of a psychologist telling you to forget, we cannot forget, we only repress memories and thus, when growing up we can’t quite recall what is the root of our emotional distress. There might be some triggers scattered around but ultimately repressing ends up worsening everything.
As many psychologists i went to as a kid, all of them told me to forget what happened to me, it was no use, and quite sad to see my parents dumping that much money to them, when we didn’t really had that much to spend, but they would do everything to help their little boy.
Madness Returns set me on the right path, i needed to face what happened instead of trying to fo
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