Making A Vtuber Model From Start to Finish [Part 2] - Live 2D
A many part series about the basic complete (?) guide on how to make a vtuber model, from drawing your own character to exporting it in Live2D. Part 2 includes how to manually make a mesh, basic understanding of the Glue tool, creating deformers and rotation deformers, what to do when you’re on the wrong keyframe, copy and pasting keyframe and how to rig the eyes.
00:00 Intro
00:19 Apology
00:27 What to expect
01:03 Opening psd File in Live2D
01:41 Clipping and Blending Mode
03:08 Automatic Mesh Generator
04:18 Manually Setting Mesh
06:46 Mesh For the Eye
08:15 Gluing
11:04 Deformers and Rotation Deformers
20:44 Eye Rigging
29:29 Reflecting a Parameter
29:53 Adding Keyframes manually
30:13 Copy and Pasting Keyframes
38:05 Eye Smile
40:35 Outro