Earth Grid

EARTH GRID: Buckminster Fuller’s UVG Unified Vector Geometry We understand that the world is a living organism aka Gaia, coming alive with technological advancements like electricity and internet criss-crossing all parts, like Chinese Meridians in the human body. It appears that the Earth’s acupuncture points lie on a sacred geometry grid known to us now due to the fact that our ancestors built amazing temples upon them. In our lifetime, around 1950 to 1954 nine large ships completely disappeared off the south-east coast of Japan, known as the Dragon’s Tail, giving us more clues about the lost geometric Earth Grid, that 12 such anomalies lay on the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, proposed by Sanderson, forming an Icosahedral grid of 20 recognizable triangles. Then in the 1970s the Russians proposed that the earth was a dodecahedral crystal! This Earth-Crystal Grid matched seismic fracture zones, ocean ridges, paths of migratory birds and ancient cities. Then a new model started to appear in 1978 when Prof
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