Leonardo da Vinci Created a Unique Map And Predicted the Future Technology

Leonardo da Vinci most famous for his work Mona Lisa was so much more than a painter. He was a mathematician, writer, historian, engineer, and an amazing invento, just to name a few. He was a man truly and almost eerily ahead of his time. Actually, without a lot of his designs, our world might look like a completely different place today. Did you know that Da Vinci created what looks like an actual satellite image, and he did it…way back in 1502, centuries before the first real satellite photos of Earth were taken in 1959! But da Vinci’s map is no snapshot from a satellite or even an airplane looking down at a city as it might appear – it was hand-drawn! How did he do this in an age long before Google maps or aerial flight was ever a thing? Other videos you might like: 15 Accidental Inventions You Can’t Imagine Your Life Without 10 Oldest Technologies Scientists Still Can’t Explain
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