Building An Alaskan Log Cabin - Week 10

It has been a good week. The roof is finally on the cabin. I still have some trims and flashings to install but it’s waterproof, and that’s a relief. After sanding the corners of the logs I sprayed them with a penetrating sealer before installing the roofing metal. I did not video applying the sealer because I did not want to take a chance with the camera equipment possibly catching overspray on this windy day. That would not be good. In this video I take you to the Dry Creek Sawmill. It is such a great place. It is a farm/sawmill operation located about 140 miles away. The drive is worth it though. Not only is it situated in some beautiful country, but their products are of excellent quality too. You can visit their website at I have another couple of weeks of outside work before starting on the interior. I have to dig a septic system and drill a well, so I had better get to work. Also, in order to clarify, this project is not an off-grid cabin. It is built
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