How To be Anonymous In A Protest | Burner Phone Tutorial

If you want to attend a protest, you have to become unidentifiable. This is how you do it. Become a producer of independent research and analysis by joining my Patreon page: Police now have the ability to harass protesters with arrests, threats and coercion all the way back to their homes and offices. Attending a protest with a phone will now tell the police exactly who are you, who you communicate with and where you live. Your phone has four main radio signals, all of which can compromise your security: • Cellular radio – is your phone’s most revealing data point. Your SIM card has a unique IMSI number that is broadcast indiscriminately into all directions. The police can capture this number with so called IMSI catchers, find your real phone number and even intercept your calls and SMS texts. • WiFi – is the second most common data point. Police can setup a rogue hotspot to trick your phone into connecting to it without you noticing and they can start monitori
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