One of the most popular speeches of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro. October 12th 1979 U. N. General Assembly.
You can love him or hate him, but no one can deny that he was right.
Translation from Spanish:
Mr. President, distinguished representatives: There is often talk of human rights, but it is also necessary to speak of the rights of humanity. Why should some people walk around barefoot so that others can travel in luxurious automobiles? Why should some live for 35 years so that others can live for 70? Why should some be miserably poor so that others can be overly rich? I speak in the name of the children in the world who do not have a piece of bread. [applause] I speak in the name of the sick who do not have medicine. I speak on behalf of those whose right to life and human dignity have been denied.
Some countries have access to the sea; others do not. [applause] Some have energy resources; others do not. Some have abundant lands on which to grow food; others do not. Some are
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