Percy//Annabeth;; The Battle

READ; EDIT; I forgot to put my pro sign still need to get used to having one my bad xD First of all I named it the “Battle“ because of the scene! Its one of my faves ;)! Anyways! I fell in LOVE with Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson) he is soo effin HOT! ;) I would so Date him ;) he is 4 years older than me xD Well, technically 5 because i dont turn 14 until June xD but oh well hes a sexii beast! xD I hope you like the vid i worked really hard on it! and sorry if it is short xD But dont you just ove the coloring? I was fooling around trying to figure out a coloring and got this i MADE it i am soo p...roud of myself (i swear i didnt see any tutorials for the coloring xD) Any request for any other PJ videos?
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