Selected Originals - Sir Winston Speaks (1954)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “Sir Winston Speaks“ 54/40. CU Lord Woolton listening. GV meeting (several scenes). GV exterior, Albert Hall (two scenes). SV Sir Winston Churchill arriving. SV interior, Churchill walking onto platform. SV chairman, Mrs Emmett calling upon Sir Winston to speak (natural sound), he rises. SV pan, audience clapping, several scenes. SV audience listening (several scenes). SV Churchill speaks (natural sound): “...complications of modern government...“, & CU. CU Churchill talking: “....currency difficulties cost of living etc., ...production... employment...“. CU Lady Eden. CU audience. CU Churchill still talking: “...will to work and get the country back to its former greatness. CU Churchill, still talking (why?!): “...loss of parts of empire and respect of British institutions and refers to Britain’s Labours as (bleep! bleep! bleep!) ...towards world peace... return to Victorian time, Commonwealth and empire...“ - Churchill talks unti
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