медитация, положительная энергия 111 Hz High Vibrational Frequency Music For Positive Energy
1 Hz 11 Hz 111 Hz 1111 Hz Spiritual Protection & Healing | Power of angels | Angel number frequency meditation music - 1111 Hz number of angel frequency, protection from negative energy. Meditation music for harmony, balance, inner peace and all-embracing love. The angel frequency connects you to your spiritual energy and guardian angels, an everlasting source of love and insight. High Vibrational Frequency Music for Positive Energy.
1 Hz Delta Waves for a feeling of well-being, harmony and inner balance.
11 Hz - Alpha Waves for stress relief and relaxed, but attentive state of mind.
111 Hz is associated with the production of endorphins. This healing frequency assists in cell rejuvenation and regeneration. By producing endorphins, 111 Hz relieves pain and elevates mood. It can increase feelings of overall well-being, empathy, and improves focus and memory.
1111 Hz - number of angel frequency, protection from negative energy. Meditation music for harmony, balance, inner peace a
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