This Bizarre Weapon Design was Ahead of its Time...

Combination weapons from the Middle Ages and especially Renaissance can be quite strange, cramming a number of functions into a complicated design, often an intentionally difficult feat of craftsmanship. But few oddities are quite as intriguing as a weapon that transform between bow and sword mode, while also including a compact firearm (about 30 years before the earliest wheel-lock pistols). Let’s take a closer look at this strange concept that seems like it comes straight from the mind of a fantasy artist or video game designer, but is actually found in a manuscript from 1505. Also a good excuse to resurrect ye olde END HIM RIGHTLY meme! It’s on topic, I swear. :) Relevant videos: Yes, Gunblades Are Real, BUT... 5 Historical Weapons That Look Like Fantasy Another 5 Odd Historical Blades That Look Like Fantasy Fighting with Sword & Pistol: Really Jus
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