Click to Subscribe! ► - Double Front Flip into a Catwalk! Bikes roll at 5:55. Welcome to the RCSparks Studio Race Track! Charged and ready, these 2 wheeled electric brushless machines are poised for action. By first letting the e-Gyros get up to speed these bikes are incredibly stable even at slow speeds. It takes some time to get used to the steering.. but this is our FiRST TiME running these bikes.. and like anything worth doing - this takes some practice. Good job to my bud Everett - he seemed to get a hold of the bike fairly quick. I have been told that about the 4th battery pack.. you s
...tart to get the hang of this bike. We ran two packs, and I agree. Progression each time.
Here is the site I discovered these bikes on.
For the specific bike I am using in this film - here is a short link:
I was hunting for a new off road bike and came across a website for AR Racing. This site is ITALY based, anShow more