In this episode, I will sculpt and texture a character from imagination, without using any references as a means of practice. Sculpting from memory is not usually a good idea unless you do it deliberately as a means of practice or as a tool to point out where your weaknesses are.
I like to start from a relatively low-poly sphere since it is a lot easier to manipulate and you get pretty good results after subdivision. After that, I will add the character’s torso and upper arms, then I will sculpt some muscle definition to get better results when I add his shirt. I will also create a custom cur brush for his dog tag chain.
Then, for his hair, I will shape a sphere into a hair clump and duplicate it to fill in his haircut. I will use a similar process when creating the character’s facial hair.
At the end, I will switch to the SkinShader4 for the texturing process. When texturing my models, I like to have a more hand-painted look similar to “Arcane“, “Love, Death andShow more