Как делают кинопленку Kodak? (Kodak Factory Tour Part 2 of 3) - Smarter Every Day 271
Thank you for considering supporting on Patreon. Here’s the link if you’d like to:
Kodak’s Film Quality Control Process - Smarter Every Day 275-B
The Chemistry of Kodak Film - Smarter Every Day 275-C
How Does Kodak Make Film? (Kodak Factory Tour Part 1 of 3) - Smarter Every Day 271
The awesome people at Indie Film Lab is putting on a “Long Live Film Workshop“ on October 17-20, 2022. It’s a gathering of professionals, hobbyists, experts, and beginners alike, all with one thing in common — a love for the art of film photography. If you’re interested, there’s a FAQ and registration form here: .
Here’s a video Jeff said did a good job explaining the chemistry of film: