Getting Started with BLUES BENDS! Try These 4 Riffs.

Get my 2-page PDF (with tabs), audio jam track, and slow playthrough video of all riffs @ If you enjoy my lessons, consider becoming a Premium member @ ! You’ll unlock access to all kinds of amazing members-only content. Learn more @ **** I’m excited to dive into the blues in this week’s lesson. I’ll show you a beginner’s guide to using the bends as part of blues lead guitar — which are an amazing way to add expression to your melodic phrasing. In my lesson I’ll teach you 4 different melodic phrases, each of uses at least one bend for you to sink your teeth into. These can all be played over the A-Major chord, which is what you’ll hear in the jam track I made to accompany my video lesson. While I’m no expert on the topic, I am happy to share the steps I took in getting going with this technique over this past week. I hope you enjoy! 0:00 Lesson Summary 2:52 Which Notes to Bend? 6:14 Bending Technique 9:59 Riff 1 of 4 12:57 Riff 2 of 4 14:47 Riff 3 of 4 16:59 Riff 4 of 4
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