Israel pager attack will only damage the West – WITH BEN NORTON

TODAY’S GUEST: Ben Norton from @GeopoliticalEconomyReport WATCH BEN’S REPORT HERE: Do you remember how the collective West turned against Chinese tech giant Huawei over claims China would use the technology for nefarious purposes? Well, as I always say on this show: every accusation from the West is an admission of guilt. And that was proven just last week when dozens and dozens of people were killed and many more injured as pagers and walkie talkies began to simultaneously explode across Lebanon and Syria. The attack was masterminded by Israel, whose proponents claim the target was... Hezbollah, but that hasn’t stopped many around the world labeling it a terrorist attack. So what are the ramifications? Can Western technology be trusted? And will this latest nail in the Western coffin simply speed up the already mammoth shift to a fairer, multipolar world? Today I’ll ask my special guest, host of the Geopolitical Economy Report Ben Norton. This is Reports on China, I’m Andy Boreham in Shanghai. Let’s get reporting. #israel #pager #bomb
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