Cleaning the Glazed Surface of a Vase

Cleaning up the glazed surface of an angular vase prior to firing it in my gas kiln to 1290ºc. This is a process every pot undergoes, some requiring more attention than others. The rim and sides are fettled and made smooth and the bottom is thoroughly wiped clean with a soaked sponge as no glaze can be on the base, otherwise the pot will stick to the kiln shelf during the firing. There are of course ways around this but they lend themselves to other ways of firing, such as when making soda, salt or wood-fired wares, as the pots can be propped up on three little waddings, like a tripod, and the atmosphere in the kiln can glaze the bottoms of the pots. It can look beautiful, with three little ghostly imprints left on the base of each after the kaolin and alumina waddings are plucked away. #glazing #vase #asmr #satisfying #craft #pottery #ceramics
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