Leadership & Career - Interview with Marcie Kiziak, President, Nova Cannabis

Watch this conversation where Ada Tai conducted an interview with Marcie Kiziak on Leadership & Career. Marcie is the President of Nova Cannabis, a division of Alcanna, a renowned retailer of highly-regulated controlled substances in Canada. With a background in Human Resources, Marcie talks about her career trajectory and how she landed an operational leadership role. Relying on her experiences hiring and managing people, Marie shares the “secret“ of the traits that leaders look for from talent nowadays. BadaB Consulting Inc. provides full-scale Human Resources solutions to organizations, and job search coaching to individuals. Our team has successfully helped over 500 job hunters from a variety of backgrounds in Canada and the U.S. Job Search Related Materials: - Free 14-day Job Search Campaign short guidance videos and download the checklist to work on your job hunting from home
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