Transform Your Home Decor with Modern Sculptures: Expert Tips _ Arush diy craft ideas

Materials used Cardboard Metal wire Aluminum foil Wallputty dough or any Air Dry Clay Masking tape Plastic caps Acrylic colours Liquid embroidery colours Metallic gold dust colour ► For More: #ArushCrafts #bestOutOfWaste #crafts Hey guys, Welcome to the world of innovation Arush DIY Craft Ideas. We are Indu Sri & Manoj creators of Arush diy craft ideas. This channel is all about DIY, lifehack, tutorials, nail art and other awesome ideas that pop on my always strive to upload the best quality content on our channel. ► Circle us on G : https://g ► Like us on Facebook: ► Follo...w us on Twitter: ► Follow us on Instagram:
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