6-Head5 Clear, Easy Nose sculpting Zbrush 2020- base on Nose Anatomy Ref, Danny Mac & Proko tutorial

Hi everyone, This video I defined the nose shape and shaped it closer to the reference image. Before we start, please make sure to look at the nose anatomy reference, and understand it first before sculpting. You can also look at this Nose anatomy Tutorial by Proko: It may take more time doing this but it is worthwhile and be alittle more patient when dealing with the head and different facial features. We can try to rush things and get quick results with zbrush on textures and alphas but those details are never going to help if the foundation is not set correction for a good shape of a head. Links to the images folders this week of References for Anatomy- Head, Body and also other bust Artworks: Link to Tips & Images I created and used this week: This video is part of a playlist- click this link for the video
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