
Download Links: Applecore is my favorite background pony because she’s diabetes-inducingly adorable. So I made a song for her. I had fun singing in my last song, so I thought I’d do it again. Sorry for the autotuning! Still learning how to make music; this is a lot harder than I initially imagined it would be. Lyrics: One Summer afternoon I strolled on down the street and I saw these three fillies and their faces filled with glee. They were playing jump rope on the sidewalk, watching others draw with their chalk; was sensational. One filly stood out from the crowd. She was small and she was proud. So I yelled out loud. Hey you with the pinkish-colored mane. I can tell you’re far from plain. You’ll grow up to do astounding things. She looked at me and this is what she said. She said: “I plan on being big so I won’t die until I’m dea
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