MySQL Tutorial for Beginners 12 - MySQL OR condition By Examples

In this post we will learn how to In this post we will learn How to Use MySQL OR Operator By Examples. So we will see how to use the MySQL OR condition with syntax and examples in SQL AND & OR operators are built into SQL-Where conditions to include or exclude certain query results. The use of operators follows Boolean algebra, which is familiar from mathematics lessons and easy to understand. SELECT column1, column1,...column_n table_name1, table_name2... [WHERE condition1 [AND [OR]] condition2.....; You can use asterisk (*) in place of columns. In that case, SELECT will return all the fields. The AND operator joins SQL conditions. The OR operator makes a distinction between two or more SQL conditions. OR operator always weighs more heavily in Boolean algebra than an AND ope ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #Install_MySQL #MySQL #Mac_OS_X #How_To_Install_MySQL #How_To_Install #Programming #Database #macOS_Sierra # 20190323 NOElaBDb8PA
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