UFO Photos and Experiences - April Cotton Dyck Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of 2. April Cotton Dyck’s websites are at . @aprilcottondyck2854 Our Meetup is Our Univesity Galacticus website is April shared her extensive experiences with UFOs, orbs, and other supernatural phenomena. She discussed her journey into the UFO community, starting in 2016, and her use of various cameras to capture these events. Dyck highlighted specific UFO sightings, including a bright fireball, rainbow UFOs with scanning objects, and blue orbs. She also mentioned her family’s history of similar experiences, including her great-grandmother and mother. Dyck emphasized the importance of integrating these experiences into her life and the challenges of being marginalized in the UFO community. Outline Introduction and Meeting Setup • April Cotton Dyck expresses excitement about sharing her experiences and Brian suggests a two-part format: a video presentation followed by a Q&A session. • April mentions the importance of starting with impressive UFO photos to capture the audience’s attention. April’s Background and UFO Photos • April introduces herself, mentioning her background as an indigo with psychic gifts and her experiences with UFOs, angels, and orbs. • She shares her journey into the UFO community, starting with a significant event in 2016 and attending her first UFO conference in 2017. • April talks about the challenges of discerning between UFOs and other phenomena, such as satellites. • She mentions the marginalization of experiencers in the UFO community and her dedication to sharing her experiences. Technical Details and UFO Photos • April explains her use of various cameras, including cell phones, trail cameras, and a Canon point-and-shoot, to capture UFO photos. • She shares a story about a psychic message warning her not to sell her Sony camera. • April shows a series of UFO photos, including a red object behind trees, a triangular UFO with three lights, and a saucer-shaped object. • She describes her process of taking photos and videos to capture UFOs and the challenges of discerning their movements. Specific UFO and Orb Experiences • April shares a story about a bright fireball UFO she saw multiple times, which she believes may be orbs or conscious beings. • She describes a rainbow UFO with sparks and tubular objects, which she felt were scanners. • April talks about blue orbs, including a story where a blue orb disappeared into the ground near a vehicle. • She mentions her practice of remote viewing. Family History and Generational Experiences • April discusses her family’s history of UFO experiences, including a photo of her great-grandmother with an orb and a photo of herself as a child with the same orb. • She shares a story about her mother’s reaction to a UFO, which was fearful and dismissive. • April talks about the generational nature of UFO experiences and the challenges of discussing them within families. • She mentions her own experiences of being taken on a craft and the impact on her health and memory. Challenges and Marginalization of Experiencers • April talks about the marginalization of experiencers in the UFO community and the challenges of finding trustworthy people to share experiences with. • She mentions the importance of having video proof to validate her experiences and the difficulty of getting others to believe her. • April discusses the emotional and psychological impact of her experiences and the importance of finding support and validation. • She shares her efforts to integrate her experiences into her life and the importance of sharing her story to help others. Exploring Different Methods of Communication • April talks about her experiments with different methods of communication, including ghost boxes and sensory deprivation. • She shares her experiences with angels and other spiritual beings, including a sighting of Jesus’ head. • April discusses the importance of maintaining her sovereignty and not being controlled by her experiences. • She mentions the potential for her experiences to be part of a larger program for human advancement. Conclusion and Future Plans • April expresses her gratitude for the opportunity to share her experiences. • She mentions her plans to create more videos and share her experiences with others. • April emphasizes the importance of community and support for experiencers and the need for more research and understanding of UFO phenomena. • She concludes with a message of hope and encouragement for others to share their own experiences and seek support.
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