Настрой Себя на частоту УДАЧИ и УСПЕХА 432гц | Повысь свои ВИБРАЦИИ
The whole world that surrounds you is made of different types and forms of energy. Each direction has its own vibration. If your inner frequency resonates with a certain kind of energy of the world, then you will definitely receive everything that it carries.
The frequency of 432 Hz adjusts the energy to the flow of luck and monetary fate, cleanses consciousness and brings material well-being. This video program using the magic Pentacle of Victory adjusts to the frequency of luck and contributes to the achievement of the goal. While watching, it is necessary to visualize the goal as you have already achieved it, while you feel a sense of joy. Please note that meditation works exclusively according to the laws of the cosmos and karma, respectively, everyone will have individual results!
Happiness and Success to all!
🎧 The use of headphones is recommended.
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