Российский центр Капоэйры Cordao de Ouro
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The Capoeira game is a complex body dialog, most people that never done Capoeira will have hard time understanding what they are seeing. And for a complex game like this even Capoeira practitioners have hard time seeing all that is happening.
It is a fight like game, where in the more advanced level every single move or gesture would have a reason, be that getting to a better strategical position, marking an attack, or escaping.
When an attack become real it might slow down the interaction having to wait
51 view
3 months ago 00:05:30 1
Mestre Barrão e CM Barrãozinho solo de berimbau
5 months ago 00:03:30 3
Zeca Pagodinho - Verdade
5 months ago 00:45:27 15
Volta do Mundo - Bambas 50K - Competição da Capoeira - Terceira Edição - Todos os Jogos
5 months ago 00:31:03 1
5 months ago 00:00:11 1
Ai fighter is this.i think tiger movie fighter both who gues this fighter#martialarts
5 months ago 00:01:52 1
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5 months ago 01:03:28 1
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