Pastel Pencil Study ~ How to mix OLIVE SKIN TONES using a few colours.

Here is an interesting study, Olive Skin tones. In this video I share will you my technique and tips on how mix the colour in a straight forward easy to follow way. My passion is to help you to create realistic and soulful portraits. If you found this video useful please give it a like. Be sure to comment and say hello and let me know what kind of videos you’d like to see. Photo Credit: Unsplash... James Marcom. FREE SKIN TONE COLOUR WHEEL CLASS: Here is the link... *PATREON:* For a quick look at all the tutorials.... Check out all the benefits my Patreon offers... *SUPER THANKS:* If you feel you would like to support my YouTube Channel with a donation... super thanks has made it really easy, just click on the thanks icon under the video... any amount would be very much appreciated. It all helps with producing this content for you all. Thanks
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