I ’m a Terrible Grenadier | Milsim West: Strike on Salsk Part 1/2 (HK416A5 w/ M320 Grenade Launcher)
An under-strength NATO company has taken a strategic position on a tall hill with a large structure. This position is codenamed “the castle.” During the first night of action a RUSFOR company has taken control of the only supply road leading to the NATO position. To be resupplied NATO must repel the Russian attackers who out number them 2-1 and re-take the road.
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DesertFox Airsoft is an Airsoft Youtube channel dedicated to promoting the safe, fun and unique game of airsoft. Airsoft is a military simulation sport where players participate in mock battles with replica guns and use military type tactics. Unlike paintball, airsoft uses 6mm round BBs made of hard plastic.
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