Dean & Loki ► Animals

STORYTIME!!! Watch in 1080p Please leave a like, comment and/or subscribe to me if you like it(: *** I’m not very proud of this because this is my first manip/crossover, so I don’t have any practice in this kind of videos, sorry. Anyways, here is the plot. PLOT: Dean and Loki met, Loki sees something in Dean “You have a heart” and wants to be the one who breaks him, unfortunately, he became a little attached to him, Dean gets killed (typical Dean), he is dead and Loki leaves before seeing Dean come back to life as a demon. Demon Dean finds Loki and starts hunting him down, it doesn’t matter where Loki could run, Dean would always find him; in 00:42 where Dean tells him “Which one of us is really a monster?” cuts to 00:43 to 1:05 these are scenes from when Dean and Loki met, Loki was the one chasing Dean and ‘torturing’ him for amusement and mischief; continuing, Loki escapes again but Dean finds him, of course, Loki underestimated him, even Dean told him that the
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