calm and relaxing guitar (Total War Empire OST)

music to reflect on the meaning of war in the 18th century! I hope you enjoy these good game musics! If you enjoy the video, make sur to comment, like and share it! Thank you! I do not own any of the audio in my videos and my channel is not monetized. All ads direct revenue to the respective copyright owners through the Content ID system. I don’t have any control on when or where ads appear on my videos. Sorry if those damn ads cut the music while you were listening to it! tracks : 0:00 Guitar 1 (Campaign map Europe) 0:36 Guitar 2 (Europe) 1:08 Guitar 3 (Europe) 1:40 Guitar 4 (Europe) 2:22 Guitar 5 (Europe) 2:58 Guitar 6 (Europe) 3:33 Guitar 7 (Europe) 4:11 Guitar 8 (Europe) 4:44 Guitar 1 (Campaign Map America) 5:05 Guitar 2 (America) 5:22 Guitar 3 (America) 5:36 Guitar 4 (America) 5:57 Guitar 5 (America) 6:18 Guitar 6 (America) 6:40 Guitar 7 (America) 6:54 Guitar 8 (America) 7:14 Guitar 9 (America) 7:30 Guitar 10 (America) 7:50 Guitar 11 (America) 8:10 Guitar 12 (America) Background image from Manuel Krommenacker (on ArtStation) - Regiment Limousin at Villinghausen 1761
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