The Countries With the Longest Borders in the World (Km)
Total Border Coverage by Country (Km)
The Countries With the Longest Borders in the World (Km)
Die Länder mit den längsten Grenzen der Welt (Km)
Los Países con las Fronteras Más Largas del Mundo (Km)
Les pays avec les frontières les plus longues du monde (Km)
दुनिया के सबसे लंबी सीमाओं वाले देश (किमी)
Negara-negara dengan Perbatasan Terpanjang di Dunia (Km)
I Paesi con i confini più lunghi del mondo (Km)
Kraje z najdłuższymi granicami na świecie (Km)
Os Países Com as Maiores Fronteiras do Mundo (Km)
Страны с самыми длинными границами в мире (км)
Dünyanın En Uzun Sınırlarına Sahip Ülkeler (Km)
1 view
6 days ago 00:11:17 1
Potato Tour of Russia 2025: From Storage to Processing at the WEFRY Plant
1 week ago 00:34:38 1
Обманутый американский Атлант расправляет плечи. Не стойте у него на пути, господа
1 week ago 00:07:10 14
50 % In The Dub
1 week ago 00:00:17 3
Only 2 Countries Voted Agaisnt The WHOLE WORLD! #geography #maps #usa
2 weeks ago 00:05:26 1
2 weeks ago 00:06:53 3
The Project feat Gerideau - Bring it Back 2 Luv (Underground London Mix)