Anthem of Ukraine - New 2022 (Гімн України 2022 remix by Zoltanovich)
Music created by - Roland Orban
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Video creator - Andrew Orban
English lyrics:
Neither glory nor freedom has died in Ukraine yet.
Fate will smile on us, young brothers.
Our fortune tellers will perish like dew in the sun,
Let us, brethren, reign on our side.
We will lay down our souls and bodies for our freedom,
And we will show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack family.
Let us stand, brethren, in a bloody battle from Xiang to Don,
We will not let anyone rule in our native land;
The Black Sea will still smile, grandfather Dnieper will rejoice,
Even in our Ukraine, a little will ripen.
We will lay down our souls and bodies for our freedom,
And we will show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack family.
And zeal, hard work will prove its worth,
A loud song will still be heard in Ukraine,
For the Carpathians will be reflected, will calm down steppes,
Ukraine’s glory w