TOP 10 Biggest African Cichlid Fish In The World, These Malawi Cichlids Are Huge
10 Of The Biggest African Cichlid Fish In The World that are kept in aquariums, These Malawi Cichlids Are Huge
There are HUNDREDS of African Cichlids in the world. They all range in size from small to big. In this video we take a look at and talk about 10 of the largest Lake Malawi Haps. They happen to all be predator haps. These numbers are based off of cichlid-forum. The fish will reach these lengths in the lake, but in aquariums it is highly unlikely. If you have a large aquarium there is a chance that it could happen. These Haplochromis species of Lake Malawi prey on other small fish like mbuna, so growing to these massive sizes makes a lot of sense. Now of course there are other African Cichlids that are large. Some in the same size or close to it. Your Haps are going to be the biggest, followed by the Aulonocara Peacocks and finally the Mbuna. The Haps are the kings of the lake.
Here are the fish that we are talking about:
Buccochromis Lepturus Green - 16 inch
Tyrannochromis Maculiceps - 14 inch
Tyrannochromis Nigriventor - 14 inch
Buccochromis Heterotaenia - 18 inch
Buccochromis Nototaenia - 16 inch
Buccochromis Rhoadesii - 16 inch
Champsochromis Caeruleus - 18 inch
Champsochromis Spilorhynchus - 16 inch
Fossorochromis Rostratus - 16 inch
Nimbochromis Linni - 14 inch
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Video Clip Credits:
Adam C -
Corey Hecker -
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