The Resurrection of Christ | 50 Famous Paintings | LearnFromMasters (HD)

LearnFromMasters Needs Your Support: (EXCLUSIVE CONTENT) --- The Resurrection of Christ | 50 Famous Paintings | LearnFromMasters (HD) Description: “The Resurrection of Jesus has long been central to Christian faith and Christian art, whether as a single scene or as part of a cycle of the Life of Christ. In the teachings of the traditional Christian churches, the sacraments derive their saving power from the passion and resurrection of Christ, upon which the salvation of the world entirely depends. The redemptive value of the resurrection has been expressed through Christian art, as well as being expressed in theological writings. From the 12th century the Resurrection itself begins to appear regularly in the West, with Christ shown emerging from what is normally shown as a Roman-style sarcophagus placed on the ground. Sometimes his torso is shown above the top edge of the sarcophagus, but mo
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