Dance Your PhD 2017 - Ergonomics Infrastructure, C. Berlin
This dance is based on my PhD thesis “Ergonomics Infrastructure -
An Organizational Roadmap to Improved Production Ergonomics“ (2011) and its appended papers (references below).
It is a contest entry in the yearly competition “Dance Your PhD“.
The main dance elements are tap, tribal fusion bellydance and just plain charades.
Thanks to AAAS and Science Magazine for providing this opportunity to let my madness blossom. :)
Improving production ergonomics (the improvement of worker well-being and system performance) is a pursuit common to many companies in different industrial sectors. A main goal is to eliminate risks for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), but modern views on ergonomics have broadened it to a systems design discipline. Interview studies carried out in this thesis showed that it is not advisable to try improving ergonomics in isolation, without paying attention to the influences of the surrounding stakeholders and context