Painting Tutorial: Table-top Quality Miniature

The video is of me working on a Grot but of course the concepts can be applied to any model you’re looking to paint. It’s a simple video, no big production but hopefully useful to those looking to paint models to get on the table and are less concerned with the highest quality. I’ll apologize in advance for this not being the greatest video. I’ve done one video battle report prior, making this my second video ever, so it’s rather amateur. The video quality is fine though so you can see what I’m working on, which is the most important part. After putting this video together I realized how much I say “Um“ in it so I’ll be working on that going forward. Feedback would be very much appreciated on this video. I’m open to hearing anything that will make a video like this better. You can find my blog here: Also, please consider supporting us on Patreon so we can bring you better videos:
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