Horrible and wonderful creatures of the deep: Feeding Hagfish in Norway

Celebrate the Ugly! More pics and videos on my website: and on Instagram: @uli_kunz In ge­ne­ral, peop­le love ani­mals with big eyes, soft fur, be­au­ti­ful fea­thers or fri­end­ly be­ha­viour. But an eco­sys­tem needs ever­y­thing! Even or­ga­nis­ms as un­attrac­tive as the hag­fish. These ra­ther gross, pink sau­sa­ges are the slimy sca­ven­gers of the deep. With as­to­nis­hing ca­pa­bi­li­ties: They can trans­form a bu­cket of water into a gooey slime wi­t­hin se­conds, they most­ly feed on dead ani­mals which they enter via mouth, gills, eyes or other un­spea­ka­ble openings and have a face that only a mo­ther can love. They can tie them­sel­ves in a knot, can sur­vi­ve months wi­thout fee­ding and fend off even much lar­ger pre­da­tors by the use of their slime, clog­ging the gills of an at­ta­cker. In 2009, the “In­ter­na­tio­nal Hag­fish Day“ (ce­le­bra­ted an­nu­al­ly on the third Wed­nes­day in Oc­to­ber) was pro­mo­ted for the first time, &
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