3D Lighting Tutorial - Maya Lighting Challenge for Glass

This is a timelapse 3D lighting tutorial in Maya, to take a Lighting Challenge to setup a lighting scene for wine glass rendering. The scene setup and lighting setup are simulating from the professional photo studio setup. This lighting technique will show how to light a glass with one light, and two lights. And how to add a black edge of the glass for making it more definition and more contrast. This tutorial is good for beginners to understand the lighting theory applied on glass. Finally, it will show if any differences to render 2 different of glass wines which are Polygon model and NURBS Surface model. Thank you for watching this video, hope this video helps. Please subscribe this channel or leave me comment, more video will be shared with you. Have fun with CGI, to make it simple. #cgian #aritstB #Maya #3D #modeling Music: «Creative Minds» from
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