Asian Music in December 2018

SouthKorea; Philippines;VietNam;Myanmar; Sri Lanka; China; ;Indonesia;HongKong;Japan; India; Nepal;Turkey; Thailand; Pakistan; Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan;Cambodia;Bangledesh;Saudi Arabia;Mongolia;Uzberkistan;Taiwan;Malaysia 📣Recommend the best songs from your country, to easily arrange, bring the latest songs and not be older than 1 month since the release of the MV, meaning that you can recommend the songs starting from October onwards. I have a lot of fun creating videos like this, errors in the video are inevitable so we apologize in advance. If you find the information about the MV or the singer or country wrong, please inform us that we will correct the information in the pin comment, as YouTube does not have the ability to edit the posted video, thanks a lot. 🔹Thank you for the further suggestions on the new songs, it helped us a lot in making this video. Bangladesh 0:15 Cambodia 0:33 China 01:54 Hong Kong 01:54 India 02:42 Indonesia 05:00 Japan 07:04 Kazakhsta
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