Updated DIY Home Hair Layering

TIP: If you have curly hair and intend to wear it straight then straighten it before you was the point I meant to make. Note: I am not a hair stylists so I don’t want to offend actual stylists with this video. I just want to share with you guys my techniques and hopefully it will help cater to the way you cut your hair at home. I learned a few new tips at the Image Expo so this is very updated. My old hair cutting tutorial as you can see is very different. things: Shears Thinning Shears Hair Clips My vlog: My brother’s vlog: Gelato’s channel: Got left over craft items? Send them here K.L Cao P.O Box 66154 Houston, TX 77266 Beautylish: Twitter: Face Book Group: Tumblr: http://s
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