Straight Shooting As Taught By The RAF (1942)

Titles read: “STRAIGHT SHOOTING AS TAUGHT BY THE RAF“. Somewhere in Britain. M/S of RAF pilots walking over an airfield. One of the senior men instructs the young fighter pilots to go up for a mock combat and take a cine film each that will later be criticised by expert airmen (natural sound). The young pilots take off and we see several shots of them in flight as commentator explains that a special ’camera gun’ records the effect of fire as soon as the gun button is pressed. M/S of a pilot’s thumb pressing the gun button. The planes land on the airfield. In a small theatre, a WAAF threads the developed film onto a projector and we see the footage taken by the camera gun. A stop shot shows the position of the aircraft at the end of the pilot’s third burst and one of the experts explains that the bullets would have gone underneath the plane. We then see camera gun footage of actual combat (very scratched and grainy). When the lights come up a pilots asks if he allowed enough deflection on
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