A more in-depth look at the rocket-propelled munitions we see being used regularly by the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza

🇵🇸 A more in-depth look at the rocket-propelled munitions we see being used regularly by the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza. Most of you will be familiar with the standard rocket propelled grenade we are all familiar with, which disperses shrapnel in a standard, unshaped manner, ideally aimed centre-mass of enemy personnel. The Yassin-105 shell, which has an initial 64mm charge to penetrate reactive armour, followed up by a 105mm secondary charge that is supposed to blast through the main armour (up to 600mm). If there is no ERA, it’s all the more penetrative (up to 750mm). The newer Yassin-105 TBG (ThermoBaric Grenade) Anti-Bunker shell, for targeting infantry entrenched in cover. The first charge penetrates enemy cover, sending shrapnel and debris at them as it creates its opening, while the second warhead causes a Thermobaric explosion that sprays molten metal onto the entrenched troops. These weapons alone have truly revolutionized resistance capabilities. Enjoy a quick compil.... Source: Lord Of War
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