The First Wizarding War: A Marauders Era Fan-Edit Film

A fan made feature-length edit of The Marauders, the rise of the Order of the Phoenix, and the Death Eaters. Be sure to watch until the very end! Transcript coming soon. EDITORS: SunnyVids Bells HeartPhantom becca. ansolace lostbirdx Casiopé Black Fandomcom Emerit Juli Grisel belovesick BêteNoire philtctos evanqs Wevann. wheretheskiesend. banson bark stillhotterthanyours butterflyeffect. KuningannaSansa queenofarathia elvenqueen sterolineblake River-Who crimsonsky LaurenMichelle lupinqs XxxXDream sevenan danivids klvroline CelineStilinski junoesquevids mclarenslayer waitfortube lovedbylightning. HalyconEdits MsSweetSerialKiller tvtooine dauntlessobrien boylbeth eramenta ohmystars ghiires ReginaProdz lilyjevanspotter MondSternful clavilon martinalast TIMECODES: 0:00 —
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