ABC TV | How To Make Cockscomb Paper Flower From Crepe Paper - Craft Tutorial

Cockscomb flower (Celosia cristata) belong to the amaranth family, Amaranthaceae. The flower’s name is suggestive of a rooster’s comb. The Cockscomb flower blooms from late summer through late fall. Cockscombs are the crested variety (Celosia cristata). The flowers come in attractive red leafed varieties as well. Although there are many dwarf cultivars available today, the original types were fairly tall plants. Celosia comes from the Greek word ’kelos’, meaning burned; apparently referring to the look of the brightly colored flowers in some China the flower is called chi kuan, where it is extensively cultivated. Celosia cristata are widely believed to have developed from Celosia argentea, which is listed as native to India but is common in the wilds in China. In West Africa, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia, Celosia argentea is grown as a leaf vegetable and cereal crop. In southern Nigeria, it is the most important leaf vegetable and is known as cristata is a common
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