Make Me Brave // A Christ-Centered Life for the Busy Christian // 5 Minute Guided Meditation

Welcome to a 5 minute guided Christian meditation centered on courage. This meditation is part of a mini-series of 5 minute meditations focused on making Christ the center of our lives, each and every day, especially when we are busy. Check out the whole series here: During this meditation, we ground our mindfulness practice on scripture (1 Chronicles 28:20) where David is giving guidance to Solomon. I’m Cat, and thank you for joining me in this practice. If you find value in this meditation, consider becoming a patron! Patreon: Email: exhalefearmeditations@ A New Living Translation Bible is used for all scripture. Timestamps: 0:00 Settling In and Mindfulness of the Breath 1:59 Noticing Patterns of Thought 2:42 Scripture 3:47 Reflection 4:14 Prayer 4:48 Return to the Breath and Closing Disclaimer: This video represents my persona
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