СЕКРЕТ этих мантов – в тесте! ЕСЛИ ЗАМЕСИТЬ ТАК, манты будут готовы..
THE SECRET of these manti is in the dough! IF YOU KNEAD THIS WAY, your manti will be cooked and will not tear, wrinkle or stick. Mantis
For the dough:
Cold water-250g.
Flour-600 gr.
Meat (beef, lamb) - 1 kg.
Onion-1 kg.
Salt-1.5 tsp.
Pepper to taste
Prepare an elastic dough and leave it to proof for about an hour. Cut all the meat and fat into small pieces, finely chop the onion with a knife. Add salt, black pepper and rub thoroughly with your hands so that the onion and fat release their juice.
Place 1 tbsp in the center of each flatbread or square. l. minced meat. Pour a little water into the minced meat to make it even juicier. Believe me, this method works well.
Divide the dough into parts for ease of use. Take one part and roll it into a rope. Cut the rope into equal parts (20g), which are then flattened with the addition of flour. Roll