WHY MUST WE EAT THE ANIMALS? WHY? WHY? WHY? Video Concept, Music and lyrics by Cyrus Pirasteh Additional lyrics by & Cipes Why must we eat the Animals (Oh Why?) is a song and video produced by OhWhyOhWhy (a subsidiary of Project Ahimsa, 501c3) which asks the question “Why must we eat the animals?“ from the perspective of the abundance we enjoy on Earth, of the splendor of the animal kingdom, of the suffering faced by many living beings and of the teachings from great leaders and religions. ANIMAL RIGHTS AND VEGETARIANISM AND THE NEED TO GO VEGAN. The plight of animals - be it farm animals, companion animals, marine or wild life animals - is one of the foremost reasons why many people around the world choose to eat a vegetarian diet, or vegan diet. As people who care about the animals of the earth, we believe that, like human animals, they have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to hum
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