Gustav Holst - The Planets, Op. 32 Vyacheslav Redya

Conductor: Vyacheslav Redya & Zaporozhye Symphony Orchestra, 00:00 Mars, the Bringer of War 08:27 Venus, the Bringer of Peace 16:23 Mercury, the Winged Messenger 20:30 Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity 28:40 Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age 36:50 Uranus, the Magician 42:51 Neptune, the Mystic Gustav Holst The Planets conductor Vyacheslav Redya Zaporizhzhya Academic Symphony Orchestra, laser show. Густав Холст симфоническая сюита “Планеты“ Дирижер Вячеслав Редя Запорожский академический симфониче
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